
Thursday 7 June 2012

Key Skins - #30DoC Day 7

The creative inspiration for Day 7 came out of necessity today, I had yet another Key given to me, and it was starting to get to the point of madness with all my key-rings and fobs. I decided to make it easy to recognise my keys at a glance and hopefully be able to remove some of my key-ring-trinkets.

Part of my 30 days of creativity ( #30DoC ) month -

I'm calling them Key Skins, and before you say, I know you can buy things a bit like this, but I wanted to make them *custom* and different coloured, also I wanted them to fit my keys and not take up too much extra space.

The first job was to simply scan my keys, import the image into Sketchup and trace around the outline of the key, much easier then measuring anything.

Then just extrude the outline and put a top on it. I made the internal dimension 2.6mm as most keys seem to be under 2.5mm thick.

Within 15 minutes I had the basic Key-Skin for the two most common shaped keys I have.

Quick Print, and they fit well.

Add some extra identification (H = House, G = Garage etc.)

The possibilities are endless! I'm sure you can think of more uses for Key Skins - Files are up on Thingiverse

Print them in Bright fluorescent colours if you always loose your keys!

Thanks for reading, more tomorrow.




  1. Very nice, and very clean print!
    And... you have two Italian products in your pocket. (-;


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